Monday, January 11, 2010

Forward: Re: Forward: Forward: Stupid

We all have limited time, so why do people like to waste time (both mine and theirs) by reading and then forwarding stupid emails? How nice that you think women are phenomenal, that you consider me a friend, that you laugh at stereotyped jokes about men and women, that you want everyone to be aware of strange people who might be hiding in the back seat of cars, that you find statistics about which ethnic groups won Nobel Prizes interesting, that you would like to consider whether Jesus was black or Jewish (or perhaps non-existent), and so on, but why do I have to think about such things (especially when I’ve already seen each message many times!)?

It is a waste of my time to have to look through the email, decide whether I want to read it or not, and then delete it. So please stop sending the same lame, dull, and useless emails over and over again!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't forget the ones from anonymous companies offering free laptops!

I hardly ever get them these days, I wonder what I'm doing right? I guess I don't send them out, and when someone sends me one that's obviously a scam (like the laptop one), I reply-to-all, explaining why it's a scam...!