Monday, March 15, 2010

The Dish Ran Away with the Soap

I’m disturbed by the way people wash dishes in the country where I live. They fill up the sink with soapy water, move the dishes around in there for awhile, and then take the dishes out and leave them to try. In other words, dirty dishes sit in dirty water and then aren’t even rinsed off.

I’ve been so many places where the dishes are somewhat dirty and have a soapy taste. I can’t be the only one to think that this is not the best way to wash dishes!



Unknown said...

That's just because people use too much washing up liquid! Yeurch. :)

moggy said...

OMG, someone else who understands the concept of rinsing dishes!! We really do seem crap at washing up in this country; specifically at leaving soap to dry on the object or be wiped around it (but that brings me to tea-towels which are a whole other issue). The only people I've successfully managed to get the concept of rinsing across to are car fanatics (who are usually blokes). All you have to do is talk them through the process of washing their car, but at the appropriate point suggest they don't rinse the soap off and just leave it to dry on the car -- this usually produces a rather satisfying look of horror/disgust which can exploited while shifting the topic to crockery!

Peeves and Rants said...

Lottie and Moggy, you're both welcome to come eat at my house, with my rinsed dishes, and you can invite me over for meals anytime too.
I find the whole thing disgusting!
