Friday, March 26, 2010

When I Think About You, I Don’t Touch Myself

I can’t be the only one who gets a bit disgusted by the way men are always touching (oh, excuse me, I meant “adjusting”) themselves. When I teach, I see male students reaching into their jeans. When I’ve attended lectures or workshops, I’ve seen the leaders scratching or tugging as they speak. When I’m on the bus, at a movie, in a restaurant, listening to a concert, or anywhere else, I see men busy rubbing, fixing, patting, or otherwise touching their genital areas.

Now I know I’m not a man, so I don’t know how uncomfortable or hot or itchy or whatever else it can be to have a penis hanging between my legs. I’ve been told that I’m too hard (so to speak) on men and that I just don’t understand what it’s like. That may be true, but is it too much to ask for men to go somewhere private if they are going to touch their privates? And could they wash their hands when finished? I’m not keen on the idea of shaking hands with someone who was just shaking his penis.

Maybe my ideas of etiquette are too strict, but I guess I don’t believe that men truly have reason to be touching themselves in public.


1 comment:

Peeves and Rants said...

Coincidentally enough, today I was just chairing a session at a conference, and one of the speakers (a man) spent much of the time before his talk and during it "adjusting" himself. It was distracting to try to pay attention to his talk when his hands were moving about so much down below.
