Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hairy and Scary

Why is there the assumption that women must shave their legs and armpits and bikini areas? Why do people tend to find it so offensive if a woman dares to wear shorts or a skirt and has hairy legs? Is it so threatening to our natural order?

It’s such a waste of time to shave, and of course the various bits of paraphernalia we need or the services we pay for when shaving or waxing or getting electrolysis or whatever else can get quite expensive. And when the hair is growing back, it feels rough and can be scratchy or itchy.

Personally, I have better things to do with my time. I still feel a bit uncomfortable when wearing a skirt, even if I’m also wearing tights or pantyhose over my legs, but I know that’s just due to my socialization, and I am trying to overcome it. But I don’t appreciate friends or relatives or lovers making negative comments about my body hair; it just doesn’t seem to be any of their business, and it can also be rather sad to hear how everyone in our society has bought into the idea of a hair-free woman being the ideal.



Unknown said...

I totally agree! I am lucky to have friends who agree, too. :) It's no weirder than having hair on your head - double standards for body parts, huh?

Peeves and Rants said...

I need more friends who agree, because sometimes I feel that females are just as critical towards other women as men are.
I'm happy for others to make their choices about shaving or not, so why can't I make mine?
