Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day

In the spirit of Independence Day in the U.S., I’m thinking of things in my life I wish I could (or wish I had the energy/strength/courage to) divest myself of. I feel weighed down by objects, for example. I don’t like owning tchotchkes and though I appreciate when people give me presents, I also tend to think that now I’ll have yet another thing to dust and to move around on my peripatetic lifestyle.

Also, I seem to have collected a lot of acquaintances. I guess that’s what happens over a life, but there are so many people who demand a lot of me (or at least demand much more than they give), and that’s so draining. I try to be a good friend and to listen to others and to support them when they need me, but I don’t always feel I get that in return.

Sometimes I think I’d to get rid of some of the excess stuff and the excess people in my life.


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