Saturday, August 14, 2010

Jesus Isn’t Welcome Here

I’ve complained before about people wishing even non-Christians a Merry Christmas. I recently had occasion to realize once again how deeply Christian sentiments imbue our society.

When there was a death in the family, some people – who, I must admit, were kind enough to want to make a gesture of some sort – said that God had called the late relative home, and made other comments along those lines. I could accept that, even though I’m an atheist. But some people who were clearly aware that our family is not Christian, sent religious messages, talking about Jesus. And that, I felt, was beyond what was appropriate. And verses from the New Testament were also unwelcome.

How hard is it to remember that religious belief is a very private thing and that you should keep it to yourself, especially during what is a difficult time for someone else?


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