Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Libraries are, as far as I know, supposed to be quiet places where people can read and work. So why are some people so loud in libraries? Why are cell phones allowed? Why are some libraries even building cafes where patrons can eat and chat? I guess libraries want to be accommodating, since fewer people go there these days, but a library, in my opinion, is not a place for socializing or loud talking. So please let your fellow library-patrons read or work in peace. Shhh!



teefus said...

hey you hit on one of my biggest pet peeves i work in a libarry and it is damn loud in her sometimes. what ever happen tot he good old days when they shuhsed you if you talked above a whisper.

Peeves and Rants said...

In one country I have spent time in, people said that no one really wanted to go to libraries anymore. So they had to change libraries in order to get people to come in, and that meant allowing people to talk, adding cafes, and so on. So silly!