Saturday, November 1, 2008

In the Pink or Seeing Red?

To follow up on that last post, why are so many objects for girls/women, whether sex toys, clothes, or anything else, pink? I can’t be the only one tired of the idea that pink is for girls and blue for boys. Is there some rule that says that women have to find pink appropriate, sweet, sexy, even erotic?



Anonymous said...

Ummm, this is a relatively new phenomenon in American culture, firmly established only in the 1950's. A century before pink was decidedly for boys! I happen to have a great article on this in Paoletti, J. B. (1997) 'The Gendering of Infants' and Toddlers' Clothing in America', in The Material Culture of Gender, The Gender of Matieral Culture. (eds., Martinez, K. and Ames, K. L.), Winterthur, Delaware: Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum: 27-36.
With mass marketing and media the enculturation of gender associations happens much quicker and across wider areas than ever before, but i can also just as quickly change. If all parents started to use purple for all, well, the marketers would pick this up, etc...
oh no! am i lecturing again! Quickly zipping mouth shut!
-- kimba

Peeves and Rants said...

Thanks, Kimba! I'll have to look into this! I know these things change, but it is still annoying.


teefus said...

remeber once when i was about 6 or something my cousin and I were sleeping over at my grandmas she did not have alot of room in her aparment so we had to sleep on the floor she lay down a pink blaket for me and blue for him i refused to sleep on the pink one. i still hate pink. well i have a few pink shirts but i only picked them becasue i like the pic on them