Monday, February 16, 2009

Scarf Face

Related to my last post about Israel, I want to mention my annoyance at people wearing "Palestine scarves". You know, the keffiyeh that Yasser Arafat often wore. It's become both a trend and a political statement to wear one and many young Westerners wear it in solidarity with Arabs, even though they frequently can't clearly state what it is supposed to represent or why they support only Arabs and not peace in general, for all of those in the Middle East.



Anonymous said...

oops, didn't know they had any political association still! They are commonly worn when motorcycling as they keep the neck nice and warm, and can keep chin and mouth warm, and are easily washed to boot! Er, i have two, and never thought of them as anything more than convenient -- perhaps in the Western English-speaking world they do not have the same connotation anymore? Just a thought!

Peeves and Rants said...

I think some people don't realize the association, that's true. But I think many people do and wear them on purpose, the way some people wear Confederate-designed scarves.
