Friday, June 26, 2009


It really peeves me when people take off their shoes in public, especially when they then put their (often smelly, often dirty) feet up on chairs where others will later sit.

At home, I almost never wear shoes. But that's my own private area and I can do what is most comfortable for me. But in public, I keep my shoes on. And I wish others would do the same, so I can avoid breathing in their yucky odors.



Peeves and Rants said...

I am with you, Curly! A few years ago, I was part of a small group of writers/artists (all meeting for the first time) on retreat at a "colony." We had to eat all our meals together, at one big table, every day, and at some point one of the artists began coming to the table barefoot. I hated sitting next to him!


Peeves and Rants said...

Ugh! No bare feet at the dinner table!
