Friday, June 19, 2009

What the Hell is Wrong with People?

People sometimes claim that anti-Semitism is a thing of the past. The recent tragedy at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum should remind us all that this is not the case. Today it seems politically acceptable, if not quite politically correct, to criticize Jews (and while I think it is fine to discuss and criticize Israel's policies, many don't seem to understand that it is in fact anti-Semitic to make anti-Jewish remarks, and that all Jews, whether Israeli or not, do not necessarily agree with Israel's governemnt. Duh!). And I think it is only one small step from nasty remarks and harsh criticism to violence.

I grew up in the 1980s and faced plenty of anti-Semitism then. In recent years, too, I've had to deal with many ignorant or cruel comments. And I'm not the only one. Clearly, this is still a problem. The Holocaust, in a sense, is not a thing of the past.

I realize I am rambling a bit in this post, but what I want to say is that we must combat anti-Semitism through education and we must also deal with deranged people and not let them continue to threaten people's well-being and peace-of-mind.

--Saddened Curly


Peeves and Rants said...

But, Curly, didn't you know that the Jews have a death wish? So said a former U.S. President.


Peeves and Rants said...

But of course Jews have a death wish! How silly of me to suggest otherwise!

--Disgusted Curly

teefus said...

yeah that icendent was so sad. sorry i have not commented on here in ages.