Thursday, December 17, 2009

Undressed for Success

In my last post, I complained about music videos and their use of half-dressed women to catch the viewer’s interest. The same is true of advertisements. So often I see a billboard or an ad in a magazine and it features a mostly naked women, and I incorrectly assume the ad is for underwear. But no, usually it is for something totally unrelated to underwear, such as a car, or alcohol, or even an amusement park (because nothing is fun for the whole family like a sexy undressed woman!).

When will we stop using women’s bodies to sell things? Does seeing a naked woman really make someone more likely to choose a particular brand or product? For me, it does the opposite, and I would like to think that it might have this effect on those of us who are conscious of sexism.



Unknown said...

"Does seeing a naked woman really make someone more likely to choose a particular brand or product?"

It's because semi-naked people get attention, and the advertisers want attention so that you see their snazzy brand and remember it when you're wanting to buy deodorant or a car or something.

The naked woman is almost incidental. :(

Peeves and Rants said...

I agree, Lottie. Isn't it awful that women are used simply as attention-getters?


Unknown said...

It's pretty pants, Curly. Doom!