Monday, December 3, 2007

As Winter Approaches

I know I'm not alone with this one. But living here in North America, I find myself complaining a lot about something very basic: light. Or the lack thereof.

Quite simply, it's getting darker earlier every day. The sun has long since disappeared by the time I leave my office (and I don't leave late). It's incredibly depressing.

Every year I tell myself that I just have to make it to the Winter Solstice. After that very short day, daylight hours lengthen. Slowly, yes. But they do lengthen. Help is on the way.

And while I'm offering some seasonal reflections, let me address something else. This is probably a good time to issue a polite request to the dog-owners in my neighborhood: Kindly do "curb" your dogs. Please take them to the sidewalk's edge to relieve themselves so that I'm not challenged to weave between those charming frozen pools of dog urine as I go along my merry way this winter, too. Thanks.


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