Friday, December 7, 2007

If You Can Read This…

A friend of mine (who is a loyal reader of this blog!) works at a library and she asked me to post this peeve for her: people not reading signs. For example, she says, last winter, the library wanted people to use the revolving door because of the snow. My friend put up signs on the other doors asking people not to use them. She then watched the doors for about ten minutes, but many people didn’t even bother reading the signs, and therefore didn’t use the revolving door. My friend also saw one person who actually read the sign but still used the door she wasn’t supposed to.

I too have seen people blatantly ignore signs (either not reading them at all or reading them but ignoring them). They push a door when they should pull, they toss paper into a recycle bin only for glass, they smoke where they aren’t allowed to, and so on. In my office, for example, people eat, drink, and use cell phones though there are big signs asking them not to. What is the use of the signs, then?

So read signs and pay attention to what they say!


1 comment:

teefus said...

hey thanks for taking my suggestion. yeah people never read signs. i thought I a person who does the push pull thing which ever one it says I like to do the opposite.