Thursday, April 24, 2008

Know Your Audience

Since I manage a group of writing-related resources, including a blog and a newsletter, I'm often asked to post information for others.

Trouble is, too often I'm contacted by people who haven't bothered to check the content of said blog and newsletter. If they'd done their homework and actually looked at the blog or the newsletter, they'd know that the person they're addressing is unlikely to advertise their expensive conferences, or to spread the word about their publication that pays only in copies.

But they haven't bothered to get to know their audience (some admit as much when I write back to them explaining why I can't help them out--one person recently confessed that she'd never seen the blog or newsletter but had been given my e-mail address by someone else). So they've wasted their time, and they've wasted my time. And they've peeved me.

--Prunella Peeve

1 comment:

Peeves and Rants said...

I completely agree with this, Prunella, and I have faced the same problem. I won't give any specific examples here, but let's just say that sometimes I wonder if the people who contact me have even bothered to look at my blog or my website. If you want help, you have to make it easy for people to help you, in my opinion.
