Thursday, April 24, 2008

Anti-Social Libraries

At the moment, I am sitting in a small public library. The woman next to me is coughing loudly, practically hacking out her lungs, and making me wonder what germs she might be passing on to me. Meanwhile, someone's cell phone is playing an annoying tune over and over again, while another woman is talking into her cell phone. And other people are chatting, while still others violently slam books and CDs down on tables.

I always thought libraries were supposed to be quiet, peaceful places, but over the past few years, I've been dismayed by the anti-social and impolite behaviors that have been cropping up. But, then, I am a curmudgeon.




Peeves and Rants said...

Oh, Curly, I'm sorry to hear of these travails. Part of your post reminded me of my comments on Typhoid Mark many months ago.


Peeves and Rants said...

Yes, I thought of you as this woman was coughing her germs all over the computer screen, the keyboard, the mouse, and me. Gross!


teefus said...

hey you have tlaked before about libraries and i agree. i miss the old fashioned one we they shushed you if you talked above a whsiper. as for germ people i wa sin a resturanrt today and this man sneezed eight times and coughed about that many more times. i noticed when he left the really wiped down his table.

Peeves and Rants said...

Yeah, Teefus, back when we were young, libaries were quiet places, where people had manners! Oh, for the good old days!
And as for that restaurant, that is disgusting!!
