Saturday, June 14, 2008

Testing Your Alertness

I was at the pharmacy and I noticed an expensive product that lets you test whether your alcoholic drink has had a drug added to it. I couldn’t help finding this product quite odd. For one thing, if you are alert (read: sober) enough to think that perhaps you should test your drink, then wouldn’t you have been able to pay attention to see if someone was doing something to your glass that s/he shouldn’t have been? And secondly, this product was so expensive that for a quarter of the price, you could just buy a fresh drink. Granted, adding “rape drugs” to drinks is a serious problem, but if you are concerned enough to buy this test, couldn’t you just make an effort to watch what’s going on?



Anonymous said...

Wow! that is exceedingly odd -- especially if it is expensive! Well, trust people to find a market and try to sell just about anything...

Peeves and Rants said...

Yes, marketers can find a way, but I wonder who, if anyone, is buying this product?
