Monday, March 23, 2009

Help! Anybody? Anybody?

I didn’t know where to turn to when I was assaulted. I was ashamed (why I felt so disgusted by and ashamed of myself when I was the victim although I didn’t feel that way when, for example, I was robbed is a different, but interesting topic) and scared and I was in a foreign country where I couldn’t speak the language and where my English didn’t get me very far. I tentatively tried to talk to a few people, to try to figure out what to do and how to handle this situation, but no one seemed interested or willing to help. That just increased my feeling of being alone and helpless. Why did no one want to help me?



Peeves and Rants said...

Sometimes, I think, people feel helpless when they hear about something like this, and ashamed of their own helplessness. I'm sorry that's the sort of reaction you encountered.


Peeves and Rants said...

I suppose so. But that doesn't help the victim...
