Friday, April 3, 2009

All About Baby

I like children just as much as the next person and I am always interested in hearing about people's kids and seeing pictures of them. However, I think things are going way too far when proud parents set up blogs devoted entirely to their children, with new posts several times a day.

Ooh, the baby said a word! Look, here's a picture of the baby in the bath! The baby burped! The baby is smiling! The baby is now toilet-trained! And so on.

The thing is, it's fine to want to remember your child's special moments, but is everyone else supposed to be just as interested? I'm really expected to read each post and comment on it? And if I don't, you take offense?

Come on! Just as I don't have the time or the interest to hear about every single thing going on in my friends' lives, I certainly don't have the time or the interest for their children's lives. Sorry, but time is limited.

Not to mention that later on, your child might resent that his/her every move was recorded and published for the world to see.


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