Thursday, February 25, 2010

Insomnia, My Biggest Enemy

I am so peeved about my lack of skills in the art of sleeping. I’ve been this way for years (and I suspect there are certain reasons why this is the case) and I’ve been struggling with it for so long that now I am basically scared to go to bed at night. And obviously that doesn’t help matters, because I expect to sleep poorly and thus set myself up for a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I seem to have tried nearly everything and nothing works. I’m exhausted. I can’t work well. And I don’t know what to do.



Unknown said...

Lots of people will tell you lots of different tips. My favourite one is to get a radio and deliberately badly tune it, and it's kind of soothing to listen to and stops your brain going round in circles. xxxxxxxxx

Peeves and Rants said...

I may have to try that, Lottie!
