Sunday, October 7, 2007

Typhoid Mark

Today is not a workday, so I thought I'd share with you a non-work-related peeve. Which I have reason to rant about given that I've encountered it yet again just this morning.

When I moved into my current apartment, several moons ago, I found the building's gym/fitness room an appealing perk. Now, I thought, I'd really have no reason--not the weather, not the distance, not the expense--not to exercise regularly. What a boon!

I didn't bargain on Typhoid Mark.

From the start, Typhoid Mark and I seemed to share a similar weekend workout schedule. Which meant that in the tiny space allotted to the treadmills and other equipment, he was coughing, snorting, exhaling germs within my breathing space too often for my comfort.

Now, when I have a cold, or a sinus infection, or strep throat, I tend not to exercise. If I am to be perfectly honest, I will confess that I appreciate the "excuse" not to work out. Plus, since I know how peeved I get when sickies spread their germs to me, I think it's considerate not to return the "favor."

Typhoid Mark, who apparently has some very chronic condition, apparently shares no such concern. He coughs winter, spring, summer and fall. When the weather's temperate enough, just finding him in the exercise room when I arrive is enough to drive me outside for a jog (after I've done a bit of work with the weights). I simply can't believe it's healthy for me to be in that room when he is, and I can't believe he's not considerate enough to even cover his mouth when he coughs. What say you?



teefus said...

ew that is so gross i hate it when people who are really sick and gremy go out in public and hack and cough all over the place. maybe you should bring sort of santizers next time you go.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip (and the comment)!