Thursday, May 1, 2008

Where the Customer Is By No Means King

Of all places for customer service to be an establishment's evident lowest priority, why must a pharmacy rank so "well"? I mean, why is it that a place you often visit when you are feeling pretty awful (as I was today), has the most indifferent (better than rude, I suppose), and apparently utterly untrained staff? I have a hard time tolerating incompetence when I'm at my best; when I'm ill, watch out!

Today's pharmacy visit also peeved me since it came on the heels of the usual frustrations at another place of importance--the post office--and just a couple of days following a visit I could no longer postpone to the copy shop. Writers depend on functioning post offices and copy shops, and unfortunately, those in my neighborhood don't quite meet the standards of the ones I frequented (oh-so-fortunately, I now realize) in my last hometown.

What a powerful combo for a rant--a bad post office, a bad pharmacy, and a bad copy shop.



Peeves and Rants said...

Ooh, Pru, your post is intriguing, but you give no details! What exactly happened? Curly is nosy, and sympathetic!


teefus said...

yeah i want to know what excatly happend to. one time my dad and I wnet to walgreen's so he could get some diabites test strips. It took them 45 minutes to find the correct ones.

Peeves and Rants said...

I'm sorry I wasn't more specific. General incompetence was the major problem, manifested in a need for too many conversations with too many members of the pharmacy staff over too many visits before I actually got my hands on the medication I needed.


Peeves and Rants said...

Thanks for the details, Pru! So sorry to hear that! What an annoyance!
