Friday, October 12, 2007

A Positive Post: More on Monosexuals and Bisexuals

The fact that this blog is called “Peeves and Rants” suggests that our posts are mostly negative. However, I think there’s some room here for praise and positive commentary, too, especially if it relates to a peeve we have (or had).

Therefore, I’m happy to post an update to one of my earlier peeves, about how many homosexuals and heterosexuals criticize or openly dislike bisexuals. This week, I was lucky enough to spend an evening with a lovely lesbian. She knew I was some sort of queer, but I didn’t say the “b” word because I was concerned about her reaction. Yes, I know that sort of behavior is silly, but I tend to be like that in certain situations; perhaps we can call it fear-based-on-assumptions.

Anyway, this woman finally asked me straight out (to use an unfortunate phrase!) whether I was bisexual. I somewhat grudgingly admitted it, and I ended up telling her about my peeve and some of the discriminatory, critical remarks I’ve experienced. She said she didn’t understand it. She has heard the usual stereotypes about promiscuous bisexuals who can’t, or won’t, choose. But she didn’t agree with that and instead thought that bisexuals are more open, since we are attracted to people in general, and not first and foremost to a gender.

The upshot of our conversation was that I had found an open-minded monosexual who believed all the positive things we bisexuals like to think about ourselves, and that was refreshing and encouraging.

Now if only more people would think like that!



teefus said...

that is nice that the lady was nice about it too you.

Peeves and Rants said...

Yes, it makes a difference. The next time I'm in such a situation, I might be more liable to be open from the beginning!
